Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
330 lines
D_NAMSZ = 16 ; { Length of a name }
{ User account structure }
DWORD = Record
HiWord : Word;
LoWord : Word;
user_account = RECORD
UA_name : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Zero padded username }
UA_internal : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char;
UA_description : Array[00..31] of Char; { Full user description }
UA_privilege : Byte; { Privilege bits }
{ (see definitions below) }
UA_concurrent : Byte; { Maximum concurrent log ins }
UA_allowed_times : Array[00..41] of Byte; { 1 bit for each half hour for 7 }
{ days. Week begins Sunday. }
{ 0 means allowed. }
UA_internal2 : Word;
UA_last_login_time : Array[00..01] of Word; { Last time logged in }
UA_account_expiration : Array[00..01] of Word; { Expiration date (MSDOS-format) }
{ Year, Month:Day }
UA_password_expiration : Array[00..01] of Word; { Expiration date (as above) }
{ 0 means no expiration date. }
UA_password_extension : Byte; { 1-31 Number of days to reextend }
{ password after change, 0 says no }
{ extension required }
UA_undelete_char : Byte; { First letter of UA_name when }
{ account is deleted (first }
{ character of UA_name is replaced }
{ with a zero.) }
UA_xprivilege : Byte; { Extended privilege }
UA_future : Array[00..02] of Byte;
{ Privilege bits for UA_privilege: }
UA_privilege_superACL = $80; { Bypass ACLs }
UA_privilege_superqueue = $40; { Bypass queue protection }
UA_privilege_peer = $20; { Treat as local process }
UA_privilege_supermail = $10; { Bypass mail protection }
UA_privilege_audit = $08; { User can create audit entries }
UA_privilege_system = $04; { User has system manager privileges }
UA_xprivilege_nopwchange = $01; { User cannot change password }
MB_textlen = 80; { Length of message text buffer }
TYPE { Message buffer structure }
message_buffer = RECORD
MB_reserved : Byte; { Reserved field used by system call }
MB_type : Byte; { User defined message type }
{ (see below) }
MB_machine : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Machine name destination }
MB_server : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { User must be logged into this }
{ server }
MB_user : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { User must be using this username }
MB_originator : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Originator's machine name. }
{ Filled when message is received }
MB_text : Array[00..(MB_textlen-1)] of Char; { Message text }
{ Message buffer type. }
MBT_general = 0; { General msg used by NET and others }
MBT_warning = 1; { Server warning message }
{ Message service disposition }
MPB_beep = $01; { Beep before delivering message }
MPB_deliver = $02; { Deliver to message service }
MPB_auto_pop_up = $04; { Pop up messages automatically }
{ Definition of a queue entry: }
queue_entry = RECORD
QE_status : Byte; { Status of queue entry }
QE_size : DWORD; { Size of spooled file }
QE_type : Byte; { Type of queue entry }
QE_output_control : Byte; { Control of despooled file }
QE_copies : Word; { Number of copies }
QE_sequence : DWORD; { Sequence number of queue entry }
QE_spooled_file : Array[00..47] of Char; { Pathname of spooled file }
QE_user : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Username who spooled file }
QE_machine : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Machine name user was on }
QE_date : Word; { Date file spooled (MS-DOS format) }
QE_time : Word; { Time file spooled (MS-DOS format) }
QE_destination : Array[00..D_NAMSZ] of Char; { ASCIZ Device or username destn. }
QE_comment : Array[00..47] of Char; { Comment field }
{ Different queue entry statuses }
QE_status_free = 0; { The queue entry is empty }
QE_status_update = 1; { The queue entry is being updated }
QE_status_hold = 2; { The queue entry is held }
QE_status_wait = 3; { The queue entry is waiting for despool }
QE_status_active = 4; { The queue entry is being despooled }
QE_status_cancel = 5; { The queue has been canceled }
QE_status_file_error = 6; { The spooled file could not be accessed }
QE_status_spool_error = 7; { The destination could not be accessed }
QE_status_rush = 8; { Rush this job }
{ Different types of queue entries: }
QE_type_print = 0; { Spooled printer queue file }
QE_type_message = 1; { Spooled message (mail) }
QE_type_local_file = 2; { Spooled local file }
QE_type_remote_file = 3; { Spooled remote file }
QE_type_modem = 4; { Spooled to remote modem }
QE_type_batch = 5; { Spooled batch processor file }
{ Definitions for output control: }
QE_OC_keep = $40; { Keep after despooling (don't delete) }
{ Used for mail - allow delete only by owner }
{ Definitions for mail }
QE_OC_voice = $20; { Mail file contains voice data }
QE_OC_opened = $10; { Message has been read }
QE_OC_request_response = $04; { Response requested }
{ Control queue commands. }
CQ_start = 0; { Start despooling }
CQ_halt = 1; { Halt despooling }
CQ_halt_EOJ = 2; { Halt despooling at end of job }
CQ_pause = 3; { Pause the despooler at end of job }
CQ_single = 4; { Print single job }
CQ_restart = 5; { Restart the current print job }
CQ_cancel = 6; { Cancel the currently printing job }
CQ_hold = 7; { Hold the queue entry }
CQ_release = 8; { Release a held queue entry }
CQ_rush = 9; { Make the queue entry a rushed job }
{ Definition of printer states: }
printer_state = RECORD
PS_state_pause : Byte; { Set 1 when printer paused }
PS_state_value : Byte; { Set to PS_state_ value (see below) }
PS_state_disabled = 0; { Printer is disabled }
PS_state_single_job = 1; { Printer will stop at end of job }
PS_state_multijob = 2; { Printer should print multiple jobs }
{ Definition of a printer status entry: }
{ Printer state }
PS_state : Byte;
PS_index : Word; { Queue index corresponding to print job }
{ being despooled. -1 if not despooling. }
PS_CPS : Word; { Actual characters per second being output }
PS_output_chars : DWORD; { Characters actually output so far }
PS_read_chars : DWORD; { Characters actually read from despooled }
{ file so far. May be used to compute }
{ percent completed. }
PS_copies : Word; { Copies remaining to print }
{ Definition of logical stream entry: }
logical_stream = RECORD
LS_queue : Byte; { 0 Disabled, non-zero Enabled }
LS_template : Array[00..12] of Char;{ Template may contain ?'s (include "." as }
{ in @???????.???) }
{ Definition of active user entry: }
active_user_entry = RECORD
AUE_VCID : Word; { Virtual circuit number }
AUE_state : Byte; { Login state (defined below) }
AUE_command : Byte; { Last command issued }
AUE_IO : Array[00..04] of Byte; { Number of I/O bytes (40 bit number) }
AUE_requests : Array[00..02] of Byte; { Number of server requests (24 bits) }
AUE_name : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Name of logged in user }
AUE_machine : Array[00..(D_NAMSZ-1)] of Char; { Name of remote logged in machine }
AUE_xprivilege : Byte; { Extended privileges }
AUE_time_left : Word; { Time left in minutes }
{ Definition of the various login states and privileges: }
AUE_state_starting = $00; { We are in the middle of login }
AUE_state_in = $01; { We are fully logged in }
AUE_state_RPL = $02; { Remote program load login }
AUE_privilege_superACL = $80; { Bypass ACLs }
AUE_privilege_superqueue = $40; { Bypass queue protection }
AUE_privilege_peer = $20; { Treat as local process }
AUE_privilege_supermail = $10; { Bypass mail protection }
AUE_privilege_audit = $08; { User can create audit entries }
AUE_privilege_system = $04; { User has system manager privs }
AUE_xprivilege_nopwchange = $01; { User cannot change his password }
{ Active user entry commands: }
AUEC_login = 0; { Login into a server }
AUEC_terminate = 1; { Process termination }
AUEC_open = 2; { Open a file }
AUEC_close = 3; { Close a file }
AUEC_create = 4; { Create a file if it's there or not }
AUEC_new = 5; { Create a new file that is not there }
AUEC_unique = 6; { Create a unique file }
AUEC_commit = 7; { Commit disk data to disk }
AUEC_read = 8; { Read from file }
AUEC_write = 9; { Write to file }
AUEC_delete = 10; { Delete file }
AUEC_set_attr = 11; { Set file attributes }
AUEC_lock = 12; { Lock byte range }
AUEC_unlock = 13; { Unlock byte range }
AUEC_create_dir = 14; { Create a subdirectory }
AUEC_delete_dir = 15; { Delete a subdirectory }
AUEC_rename_file = 16; { Rename a file }
AUEC_find_first = 17; { Find first matching file }
AUEC_find_next = 18; { Find the next matching file }
AUEC_disk_free = 19; { Get disk free space }
AUEC_get_queue = 20; { Get a queue entry }
AUEC_set_queue = 21; { Set a queue entry }
AUEC_control_queue = 22; { Control the queue }
AUEC_get_login = 23; { Return login information }
AUEC_get_link = 24; { Return link description }
AUEC_seek = 25; { Seek to a file position }
AUEC_get_time = 26; { Get server's time }
AUEC_audit = 27; { Create audit entry }
AUEC_multi_open = 28; { Open file in a multitude of modes }
AUEC_change_password = 29; { Change a password }
AUEC_disable_account = 30; { Disable account from further log ins }
AUEC_copy_file = 31; { Local server file copy }
AUEC_get_username = 32; { Get a username from account file }
AUEC_translate_path = 33; { Translate a server's logical path }
AUEC_create_indirect = 34; { Make indirect file }
AUEC_get_indirect = 35; { Get indirect file text }
AUEC_printer_status = 36; { Printer status obtained }
AUEC_get_stream = 37; { Get logical print stream information }
AUEC_set_stream = 38; { Set logical print stream information }
AUEC_get_account = 39; { Get an account record }
AUEC_shutdown = 40; { Request server shutdown }
AUEC_cancel_shutdown = 41; { Cancel server shutdown }
AUEC_stuff = 42; { Stuff server keyboard }
AUEC_write_with_commit = 43; { Commit data to disk }
{ ACL bit definition: }
ACL_read = $8000; { (R) Allow reading }
ACL_write = $4000; { (W) Allow writing }
ACL_create_file = $2000; { (C) Allow file creation }
ACL_create_dir = $1000; { (M) Allow directory creation }
ACL_lookup = $0800; { (L) Allow lookups }
ACL_delete_file = $0400; { (D) Allow file deletion }
ACL_delete_dir = $0200; { (K) Allow directory deletion }
ACL_rename = $0100; { (N) Allow file renaming }
ACL_execute = $0080; { (E) Allow program execution }
ACL_physical = $0040; { (P) Allow physical access }
ACL_attribute = $0020; { (A) Allow attribute changing }
ACL_indirect = $0010; { (I) Allow indirect file expansion }
{ Definition of time buffer: }
time_block = RECORD
TB_year : Word; { Year }
TB_day : Byte; { Day of month (1-31) }
TB_month : Byte; { Month (1-12) }
TB_minutes : Byte; { Minutes (0-59) }
TB_hour : Byte; { Hour (0-23) }
TB_hundredths : Byte; { Hundredths of seconds (0-99) }
TB_seconds : Byte; { Seconds (0-59) }
{ Definition of server shutdown option flags }
SHUTDOWN_option_reboot = $0001; { Reboot after shutdown }
SHUTDOWN_option_silent = $0002; { Do not notify users }
SHUTDOWN_option_halt = $0004; { Halt after shutdown }
SHUTDOWN_option_powerfail = $0008; { Shutdown due to power fail }
{ (Used by UPS.) }
SHUTDOWN_option_reserved1 = $0010; { RESERVED }
SHUTDOWN_option_reserved2 = $0020;
SHUTDOWN_option_reserved3 = $0040;
SHUTDOWN_option_reserved4 = $0080;
SHUTDOWN_option_user1 = $0100; { User definable }
SHUTDOWN_option_user2 = $0200;
SHUTDOWN_option_user3 = $0400;
SHUTDOWN_option_user4 = $0800;
SHUTDOWN_option_user5 = $1000;
SHUTDOWN_option_user6 = $2000;
SHUTDOWN_option_user7 = $4000;
SHUTDOWN_option_reserved5 = $8000; { RESERVED }